1. Heinrich Hertz
Heinrich Hertz invented the electromagnetic theory of light and electromagnetic waves.
2. Johannes Gutenberg
Johannes Gutenberg invented the Letterpress printing. It was a great invention and was very much appreciated then
3. Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein invented the Theory of relativity.
4. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen invented the X-rays.
5. Heinrich Göbel
Heinrich Göbel invented the Light bulb.
6. Rudolf Diesel
Rudolf Diesel invented the Combustion engine.
7. Hans von Ohain
Hans von Ohain invented the Jet Engine.
8. Manfred von Ardenne
Manfred von Ardenne invented the Television.
9. Karl Friedrich von Drais
Karl Friedrich von Drais invented the Bicycle.
10. Philipp Reis
Philipp Reis invented the Telephone.
11. Gottlieb Daimler
Gottlieb Daimler invented Automobile and internal-combustion engines.
12. Otto Lilienthal
Otto Lilienthal invented the Gliding flights.
13. Hugo Junkers
Hugo Junkers invented the Civilian avion.
14. Heinrich Focke
Heinrich Focke invented the Helicopter.
15. Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann invented the Homeopathy.
16. Felix Hoffmann
Felix Hoffmann invented the Aspirin.
17. Levi Strauss
Levi Strauss invented the Jeans.
18. Julius Lothar Meyer
Julius Lothar Meyer invented the Periodic table of the chemical elements.
19. Rudolf Hell
Rudolf Hell invented the Scanner.
20. Fritz Pfleumer
Fritz Pfleumer invented the Audiotape.
21. Konrad Zuse
Konrad Zuse invented the greatest invention of all times that is Computer.